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Mogul Khan Axe

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Mogul Khan Axe Empty Mogul Khan Axe

Post by Yy Fri Mar 14, 2008 12:33 pm

Mogul Kahn
Known as The Axe
Mogul Khan Axe Opghwk3


So, Mogul Khan is by my opinion, one of the best hero in this game. He does like all heros have advantage and weaknesses, but his weaknesses can be easily countered with items and lot of farming. I wish you'll enjoy this guide and that you will rape lot of enemy heroes by following it.

The Axe's history
In the war of Humans and Orcs that occured long ago
many Orcish warriors were corrupted by demonic influence
and became tools of blackest darkness. One such warrior
was the leader of the Half-Tribe of the Bloodied Axe
Clan; Mogul Kahn. Mogul was slain by human paladin
but mysteriously was seen fighting alo
ngside the Scourge
around the time Mannaroth started to command the orcs
in the war against Archimonde. The Axe has been revived
by demons and uses his reflexes and powerful blows to hunt
down and seek out the Sentinels agile warriors and cut
them down to size, even projecting his lust for war onto them.

The Axe's stats overview

Range: 100 (Melee) | Move Speed: 290 | Primary: STR
Str: 19 + 2.5 | Agi: 22 + 2.2 | Int: 14 + 1.6
Damage: 43 - 47 | HP: 511 | Mana: 182
HP Regen: 0.82 | Mana Regen: 0.57
Attack Speed: 1.33 (+ 22% IAS) | Armor: 2.1

Advantages and Weaknesses
... Awesome farmer
... Solid hero killer
... Good at soloing
... No big mana pool need
... Awesome in early/mid game

... No disable
... A bit slow movement speed
... A bit weaker in end game

The Axe's skills

Berserker's Call ©]Mogul Khan Axe A0c7sa3
Mogul Kahn focuses all of his enemy's hatred on him, causing them to attack him at all costs.
275 AOE.
Level 1 - Lasts 1.5 seconds, 5 bonus armor.
Level 2 - Lasts 2 seconds, 10 bonus armor.
Level 3 - Lasts 2.5 seconds, 15 bonus armor.
Level 4 - Lasts 3 seconds, 20 bonus armor.
Mana Cost: 80/ 90/ 100/ 110
Cooldown: 15
Note : This skill is great. We don't use it that much in the beginning, but when end game arrives and enemy heroes reaches really high amount of life we need to keep them a bit longer in our company. Good for capturing chasing heroes or save allies.

Battle Hunger ®Mogul Khan Axe A0c5ek0
Afflicts a target with a terrible killing hunger. The target will take damage per second until it kills a unit.
Level 1 - 15 damage/second, lasts 10 seconds.
Level 2 - 15 damage/second, lasts 15 seconds.
Level 3 - 20 damage/second, lasts 20 seconds.
Level 4 - 25 damage/second, lasts 25 seconds.
Mana Cost: 75/85/95/105
Cooldown: 25/20/15/10
Note : This skill is your way to win gold in the early game. Guarantied kills in the beginning. You can easily take advantage in a lane with two heroes against you with this skill.

Counter HelixMogul Khan Axe A0c6ps1
Mogul Kahn counters some blows made to him by taking the attacking unit and swinging it around violently, dealing damage to all nearby enemy units.
15% chance to counter throughout all levels.
Level 1 - 100 damage.
Level 2 - 125 damage.
Level 3 - 150 damage.
Level 4 - 175 damage
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Note : This skill is good from the loading screen to the score screen. It is just marvelous. It doesn't seem like it, but 15% is a lot. With an enemy hero like naix or viper raging on you, in one fight, Counter Helix can happens 4-5 times. That's about 750 free damages on ALL the enemies around you.

Culling Blade ©Mogul Khan Axe A0e2ss2
Purges the weak from Mogul Kahn's sight. Deals moderate damage, but will kill a target that is low on life.
Level 1 - Deals 150 damage, will kill if target is below 300.
Level 2 - Deals 250 damage, will kill if target is below 450.
Level 3 - Deals 300 damage, will kill if target is below 625.
Mana Cost: 120/ 140/ 160
Cooldown: 75/65/55
Note : This is your way to finish a fight with style. It seems so easy for you to get a kill. Press C, click on the enemy. Oh well, I just killed someone. Great skill.

My The Axe's skill build
Note : Here is the explanation for my build.
First of all, Counter Helix as a first skill let you rape 3-4 creeps from the two first waves you'll need to level. So it is about 150-200 gold when starting. And if the hero is near, it is easily 100-200 free damages on him. Great to make him step back.
After that, we need to max Battle Hunger before it will be our way to harass enemy heroes in low levels. As a second skill we continue to increase the Counter Helix strength. Logically, we put points in Culling Blade as soon as we can. Than at the end we get Berserker's Call. Why at the end ? Because before that, it is too dangerous to bring all the creeps on you, you'll die quickly and you won't have many occasions to use it. After that, you finish with stat points.

lvl 1 - Counter Helix
lvl 2 - Battle Hunger
lvl 3 - Battle Hunger
lvl 4 - Counter Helix
lvl 5 - Battle Hunger
lvl 6 - Culling Blade
lvl 7 - Battle Hunger
lvl 8 - Counter Helix
lvl 9 - Counter Helix
lvl 10 - Berserker's Call
lvl 11 - Culling Blade
lvl 12 - Berserker's Call
lvl 13 - Berserker's Call
lvl 14 - Berserker's Call
lvl 15 - Stats
lvl 16 - Culling Blade
lvl 17-25 - Stats

My The Axe's item build
Here is the items you want to have in your inventory at the end of the game. My "final" item set.

Total cost : 20675

Note : Here is the main explanation. For each items.
Boots of Travel : Most heroes starts with 295 movement speed. The Axe starts with 290. And almost every herores get threads. So even with them, you won't catch up fleeing heroes, and you are a melee hero, so you do need to catch them up. Finally, you got a great farming potential, and as you can see the total cost of my build is quite high. So you need to get lot of gold and use the potential of The Axe at his maximum, automatic lane switch is godlike for that.
Vanguard : That item will give you what you need to be able to "tank" from the beginning to the end. A bit more hp. Nice life regen. And 65% chance to block 35 damages. 65% chance is 2/3 attacks. So when you farm, the 2/3 of the creep attacks will be blocked. Quite nice.
Vladimir's Offering : This is a great item for The Axe. First of all, the classic but effective Lifesteal. With Vanguard, you won't "get hurt" when farming a complete wave of creeps. And later on, with Radiance, it will be nearly 40 life healed each time you attack. Will make you last quite longer. And that's what you want with Counter Helix. Secondly, more mana regen, you won't spit on that, right ? Devotion armor, quite nice combo with Berserker's call, you can reach the 35-40 armor. And finally, the permanent immolation. Good for farming and hurting all heroes in melee range.
Hood of Defiance : Some people will just say "What the fuck, Hood of Defiance ?". Here is my answer. That item is AWESOME. First of all, 30% spell reduction is your godlike touch. Melee heroes won't want to get in melee with you (Big life regen, life steal, counter helix, more speed than them) and casters/nukers will deal you only the 2/3 of the damages their supposed to. And even less, cause armor reduces the spells damages. And once again, more life regen.
Radiance : A good amount of bonus damages. And an AOE dps spell. Hey folks, it is 35 damages per sec on ALL enemies around you. Good for killing fleeing heroes when you chase them.
Heart Of Tarrasque : Maybe the game won't last long enough so you can reach this part, but it's ok. If you have the time and the money to afford like 700-800 more life, than let's go for it. For the last time, it is bonus life regen, and bonus damages.

Note : Here is the big explanation for the build. You got great farming potential, so we want to put that potential at his maximum. Counter Helix, plus Radiance's and Vladimir's immolations will annihilate a wave of creeps in a few seconds. But to take a wave of creep you need to have a good defense don't you ? Well Vanguard, Heart of Tarrasque and Hood of Defiance are there to raise your life regen by a crazy amount. It is nice to be weak in the bottom lane and to get full at the moment you get to middle lane. The Vladimir's lifesteal will make you last longer and can save your ass at some occasions. Melees will fear you, and casters too because of your 30% spell reduction. Boot of travel will let you damage fleeing enemies with your immolations and of course to catch them up to use Culling Blade.

This item build is made to be able to take any hero 1v1. To be able to catch them if they run away, and to survive if you get ganked. But remember this, you are not invincible.

My The Axe's strategy

The main strategy with The Axe is too outlevel the other heroes. To do so, you need to have a solo lane, it is very important. It will let you reach lv6 by the time the other heroes will be level 3-4. You farm the most you can at the beginning to get your Vanguard, Vladimir and Hood quickly. Than you can start to get the kills. Your using this guide well if you are always 4-5 level higher than the other herores all along the game.

Early Game
You call solo for bottom lane for sentinels or top lane for scourge. You buy Boot of Speed and if you can Tangos. You run to your lane and wait by your tower. Here it starts, you follow the creeps and wait a few seconds. When the two waves are weak, you deny one or two of your creep. So the enemy creeps they were fighting till turn on the other creeps and kill them. You'll have a complete wave of creeps under 10% of their life, rush in and wait for the counter-helix. You should get a level and about 100-200 gold. After that, you start harassing your enemy with what I will call the triple H strategy, just go look down this guide to know how to use it. You just harass him until you reach level 6, but be sure to have 120 mana when you'll reach level 6. By there, you give a few more shots at your opponent and just cast Culling Blade. You should do first blood. If not, if he has boots, just let him run and get the most creep kill you can. Try to outlevel him. If he don't have boots, run after him and kill him. Continue like that, try not to leave your lane before you have enough for Vanguard + Mask of death.

Mid Game
Keep farming a few minutes. When you finally have Boot of Speed, Vanguard and your Vladimir's Offering completed, you should have 2-4 kills depending on how many and which heroes you had for enemies. Now you are supposed to outlevel all the other heroes because of the Counter Helix timing trick. You can continue to farm for your Hood of Defiance or you can change lane to go harass other heroes. But one thing, don't change lane every two minutes you will just lose your bonus levels. If you change lane, go in one that the enemy heroes are low life heroes and stay there. Harass them a bit, throw Culling Blade and finish them off.

By the way, try to get Boot of Travels just after the Hood of Defiance. Then after you can farm for your two final items, Radiance then Heart of Tarrasque.

At this part of the game you should be dominating all the enemies. You should inspire fear. Two situations can happen. First one, you scare them. You chase them they run away and at one moment someone in the other team make them realize you are not invincible and you get killed. So be careful and run away if you are too far in their territory or if too many heroes are missing. Second situation, they are as intelligent as clams, you pwn them, they leave the game ends here.
Hint : That was not the happy end.

End Game
The end game arrives, you have more than 8 kills (your supposed to) and reach level 25 before all the others. You have Boots of Travel, Vanguard, Hood of Defiance, Vladimir's Offering and Radiance. You are working on your Heart of Tarrasque or already have it. This is your worst part of the game. You pwned everyone at the beginning of the game. You filled their heart with fear at the middle and pwned their ass a few times. But at end game, you need to be careful. Because many heroes will become quite stronger than you. You need to catch lonely heroes if you want to solo and use this strategy.

You take the woods to arrive behind the hero. You run to him and give him a few shots, at the moment he moves to run away, you cast Berserker's call. He will instantly get on you and hit you (Warning : He still can cast instant spells) you continue to hit him and a few Counter Helix get in the fight. You have spell reduction,high armor, high life and good life regen. You should outdamage him. He try to run away, you cast Battle Hunger and starts chasing him. Your immolations hurt him a lot. With Boots of Travel you hit him a few times, than when he is weak you cast Culling Blade, that should finish him. If not you still chase him and cast a last Battle Hunger before running away.

You'll have more and more difficulty to kill heroes as game advance. But at the end, you become a nice support hero and a good finisher. You are not finished yet, stick with your friends. Spam Battle Hunger (you should have enough mana regen by there) and when you see and opportunity, you run in, Berserker Call, chase, Culling Blade and laugh at them.

The Triple H strategy

This strategy is a nice trick to do lot of kills in the early game. When you are in the very low levels, you have a lv1-2-3 Battle Hunger and haven't changed of lane yet, this is where you can apply this strategy. You cast Battle Hunger at your enemy, and press A and aim at him. If he is not a clam he should run in the melee you kill him. At the second he moves toward the creeps, you click on him, you'll go hit him. First thing that can happens, he starts to fight you. A few creeps get on him, he has Battle Hunger, you hit him a few times and throw a couple of Counter Helix. He can't win. So he will stay and die or run away and lose a big amount of life. Second things that can happen, he just run away. At that moment, you step back and let him takes a full Battle Hunger. Bloody ! Using this combo one time at the beginning should get your enemy VERY weak, keep hitting him a few times to keep him low until you level 6 and get the kill.

The way to use Berserker's Call
We already talked about using Berserker's Call to stop fleeing heroes, right ? But you can save your friends too. You see some clam chasing one of your friend, you get in the way, call Berserker's call. Magic ! He is hitting you instead of your friend that run away, dancing on one foot.

Great allies and great enemies
Great allies

Note : Basically, heroes that can net/stun/immobilize your ennemies are good. Because you can throw a few hits in there or get them when they run to finish them off.

Great enemies

Note : In fact, all ennemies that can do images, have too much life, are too resistant, have apocalyptic shield or run faster than you are a pain in the ass, try to avoid them. For the Stealth Assassin, it is just that you don't have any money to spare on gem or wards, so he is a pain in the ass.

Word of the end
Remember this. You are a killing machine, you own them all in the beginning. At end you are a bit weaker but still strong. But you are NOT invincible. Don't take any stupid chances. If you don't get the kill, too bad you'll creep by that time and get the kill another time. If don't worth it to die.[/center

Number of posts : 74
Age : 35
Location : setapak kuala lumpur
Registration date : 2008-03-13

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Mogul Khan Axe Empty wow, r u sure?

Post by alfredgkc Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:01 pm

yy, u should max ur 1st and 3rd skills 1st.... ^.^ gambateh.

Last edited by alfredgkc on Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 8
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-03-14

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Mogul Khan Axe Empty Re: Mogul Khan Axe

Post by Slackyguy Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:46 am

lol...YY...Pro ya...XD

Number of posts : 5
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-03-15

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Mogul Khan Axe Empty Re: Mogul Khan Axe

Post by chaoshamster Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:19 pm

really can bo YY?? that time play with me also lose to me wan.. wakakaka..

Number of posts : 2
Age : 34
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Mogul Khan Axe Empty Re: Mogul Khan Axe

Post by Yy Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:44 pm

thanks for all comment..i admit i am not pro in dota k...

Number of posts : 74
Age : 35
Location : setapak kuala lumpur
Registration date : 2008-03-13

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Mogul Khan Axe Empty i not pro

Post by changjiang7hao Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:03 pm

Nice a share exp. on ur skill playing that u can improve ur ma, hehe

Number of posts : 1
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Mogul Khan Axe Empty Re: Mogul Khan Axe

Post by Yy Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:56 pm

changjiang7hao wrote:Nice a share exp. on ur skill playing that u can improve ur ma, hehe

hehe..who r u oh? zhentasy fren??mind to intro?

Number of posts : 74
Age : 35
Location : setapak kuala lumpur
Registration date : 2008-03-13

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Mogul Khan Axe Empty Re: Mogul Khan Axe

Post by vinss Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:21 pm

i tin he is my cousin...
oi, yy...
copy from GG ar?
copy more ma...

Number of posts : 33
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-03-14

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Mogul Khan Axe Empty Re: Mogul Khan Axe

Post by Slackyguy Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:17 pm

LOL!..Aiya is ok wad...
Copy then we all can see here ma...XD

Number of posts : 5
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-03-15

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Mogul Khan Axe Empty Re: Mogul Khan Axe

Post by eXPeri3nc3 Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:53 pm

Copy pasta FTW xDD

Number of posts : 13
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Mogul Khan Axe Empty Re: Mogul Khan Axe

Post by aboyakajacky Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:00 am

Geng! Smile

Number of posts : 13
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Mogul Khan Axe Empty Re: Mogul Khan Axe

Post by HaPPy Thu Mar 20, 2008 4:24 pm

learn berserker when lv 10 ?.....i not really like ur skill build...

for me i'll learn like this as default , and will change depend on situation/opponent

E , R , R , Counter , R , C , R , Counter , Counter , Counter , E , R , E , E .........

the advantages to learn berserk when lv 1 , = to avoid enemy got chance to teleport , suck invi hero , protect teamates and ETC

Number of posts : 26
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-03-15

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